#ThatsAmaré Healthcare Love Stories: 04, Lianne
For the final installment of our healthcare love stories campaign, we spoke to Lianne, who gives us some great tips for reducing the pressure healthcare workers place on themselves, especially during these difficult times. Lianne also talks about the wonderful expressions of love she has seen throughout her time working in lockdown.
‘What do you love most about the sector you work in?’
The people! It’s a great feeling to help people and to try and make that change, which for them, could mean everything. Also, achieving positive changes when services need positive outcomes is a great reason to be proud of what you do.
‘What’s the best piece of advice you would give to your younger self starting out in your area of work’
Try and go home on time at least sometimes, as having a work-life balance is really important. Another thing I would say is just to try your best, if you genuinely care then you will always do well within your work.
‘How do you cope when you feel demotivated or down about work’
Make lists is a game changer! Using these to try to organise work into achievable goals is so helpful to help break down daily tasks and work out what is viable within your day.
‘What initially motivated you to work in your current sector’
I just wanted to be able to look after people and, make sure people that are vulnerable are happy and safe.
‘What tips would you give to those who may be feeling burnt out in their role, given the current pressures on the NHS / care services across the UK’
Try and remember that it’s not only you that is going through these difficult times, everyone is in it together which can really help when you’re having a bad day. Make sure to talk to others, especially those you work with that will understand how you are feeling. Rest when you can. Remember that good times will come again, and this won’t last forever.
‘Can you give us an example of expressions of ‘love’ (any kind!) you have seen in your line of work?’
The lockdown has shown some amazing expressions of love, in my area of work. I have seen families making posters and signs to hold up as a surprise (with the care homes’ help) through the window just to reach out to their loved ones during the pandemic. It’s truly heart-warming to see the effort people make to show they love one another when something so terrible is keeping them apart.