NHS strike action: how to get involved

This coming week the UK will see tens of thousands of NHS workers taking strike action in the fight for fairer pay. Despite the vast media coverage, we noticed there is little guidance available on how to get involved. In this blog, we share everything you need to know about joining the picket line, including what to bring, where to go and what to expect.


When are the strikes? 

Strike action will take place on Thursday 18 and 19 January. 


Where will the strikes take place? 

During the second round of strikes, employers up and down the country will take part. Not sure if your trust is getting involved? Check out this useful guide put together by the Royal College of Nursing containing a complete list of employers taking part in the strike action. If your employer is not included in this list, you can still take strike action by withdrawing your labour or joining a picket line nearby. 


What shall I bring? 

Most strikes will last around 12 hours so make sure to wear comfortable shoes and bring plenty of water. Snacks that are easy to share will also come in handy but don’t worry, you can take turns to leave the picket line to grab refreshments and pop to the loo! Bring colourful banners and/or official RCN signage to send a clear message to passers-by on why you’re taking action. Hand out leaflets and engage in conversation – use your voice to make a change! 


What’s the law around picketing? 

As long as the picketing is peaceful, it is not against the law. This includes, blocking roads or obstructing traffic, stopping other employees entering the workplace, damaging property and engaging in disruptive or violent behaviour. There must be a picket supervisor present, who is clearly identifiable. 


Can I join the picket line if I voted ‘no’ to strike action? 

Yes, you are free to join the picket line even if you voted against it in the RCN ballot. Even if you didn’t vote at all you can still get involved. 


We hope you found this article helpful, please share with colleagues if you feel it may be of use. 

Amaré Health supports NHS strike action and we hope you get the outcome you deserve. 

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