International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

To mark International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, we’re discussing how to take action against racial discrimination in healthcare settings. Carry on reading to find out more about how you can be an ally and make positive changes.
Listen to lived experiences
Create a safe space for your family, friends and colleagues who are willing to share their experiences so you can get better insight into the realities of living as a person of colour in the modern world. Use this knowledge to make positive changes and create a safer environment for patients and colleagues within the NHS.
Educate others
Education is a powerful tool for creating change so make sure you remove the taboo around racial discrimination and talk about it! Model inclusive behaviour, encourage diversity at work (e.g. during the hiring process) and don’t be afraid to correct a colleague, or a patient if they are behaving/talking in a way that is prejudiced and harmful.
Are your work policies up to date?
Ensure your place of work has clear policies which help protect employees and patients against racism and discrimination. These must align with current legislation and should be revisited and revised as and when appropriate.
Take action
Being anti-racist means calling it out when you see it. We know this can feel scary, but as long as you are not in immediate danger it is always the right thing to do. Look after the victim and remove them from the situation if possible. Alert a senior staff member of the innocent to ensure disciplinary action is taken and more importantly so that it doesn’t happen again.
Help stamp out racism in your workplace and share these tips with fellow team members.
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