Effective time management tips for balancing work and life

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will have heard the phrase ‘healthy work-life balance’ being thrown around a LOT. Especially on LinkedIn. Its usage increased drastically following the Covid-19 pandemic, which shone a light on how much valuable time we spend at work versus with our family and friends. In this blog, we look at how you can better manage your time so you can be your most productive at work, while still maintaining a fulfilling social life.
Be realistic with your time
While it’s good to be ambitious, it’s also important to be realistic about how much you can get done in a day, a week, a month etc. Set goals, and map out your time accordingly while placing special focus and effort on high-priority tasks. Time management also includes organising your personal time, and saying ‘no’ if work responsibilities start impeding on your time off.
Delegate, delegate, delegate
If you need a helping hand, don’t be afraid to ask! Whether an intern is looking to get involved, or you have a supervisor whom you can ask for support, make sure you take advantage of the support system you have available.
Use your annual leave allowance
Taking time off work is so important, not only for your mental wellbeing but also your productivity levels. If you work your socks off and never take a breather, then you’re going to burnout…it’s inevitable. The trick is to book regular holidays – even if this is just spending a long weekend at home, binge-watching your favourite Netflix show. However, don’t wait until you’re burned out to do this; book time off in advance so you have things to look forward to throughout the year. This will keep you motivated!
Establish boundaries
Don’t work after 6PM? Be upfront about your work hours early on with clients, colleagues etc. and make it clear that you clock off at a certain time. This doesn’t mean disobeying your boss when they schedule a meeting once in a blue moon that runs slightly overtime. However, it is crucial that you are firm with your boundaries otherwise people will take advantage.
Stick to your boundaries
It’s all well and good establishing boundaries with others, but whether or not you stick to them yourself is a whole new ball game. Make sure you’re turning your laptop off at the end of the workday, not replying to emails until the crack of dawn and most importantly; not stressing about work on the weekends.
Move jobs
If you’re constantly burnt out, feel like your hard work goes unnoticed, and worst of all, never seem to have a moment to yourself outside of your professional life – then something needs to change. Consider exploring new opportunities and opt for an employer that recognises and respects the value of a healthy work-life balance.
Here at Amaré Health, we have great connections across the healthcare sector and offer plenty of exciting opportunities in occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech therapy and much more.
Get in touch with our consultants today to find out more by calling 0203 929 4017 or dropping us an email via [email protected].