Are you doing Dry January? Here’s 5 benefits to enjoy…
January is a time for making positive changes in your life and what a better way to start than with challenging yourself to Dry January? This is where you cut out alcohol from your diet for the duration of the month. Not convinced yet? Here’s 5 benefits to enjoy when you participate in Dry January…
1.Improved immune system
Drinking more than the recommended number of units can take a toll on your body’s immune system. Even if you drink relatively low amounts of alcohol, the odd binge drinking session can set you back and make you more prone to illnesses. So you can sit back and enjoy a month of radiant skin, improved health (and gloating to your mates) when you participate in Dry January.
2. Better sleep
Did you know that alcohol interferes with REM sleep? This is because drinking impacts our body’s production of adenosine – the chemical that promotes sleep drive. Research has also suggested that the consumption of alcohol can lead to decreased sleep efficiency and sleep time. So although you may fall asleep without any issues after a evening of wine, it is likely that you will wake up shortly after feeling a little fragile…
3.Increased productivity
With improved sleep, comes increased productivity during the day. Plus, you can wave goodbye to those nasty hangover headaches for a few weeks. Make the most of your days with a clear head and try getting up early on a Sunday to watch the sunrise or go on that park run that you’re always too worn out to attend.
4.Saves money
As soon as you stop guzzling the booze, the booze will stop guzzling your bank balance! We forget just how expensive drinking on the regular can get, and it won’t do anyone any harm saving some cash after the Christmas period. Alternatively, you could spend the money you’ve saved by cutting the cocktails on a treat to boost your mood after a busy day. For example – a spa day, a pottery class or those shoes you’ve had your eye on!
Don’t worry about feeling left out in social situations because chances are that there will be other people participating in dry January too. If the temptation is there, explain that you are going sober this month and that your friends’/colleagues’ support would be appreciated.
5.Makes room for other/new hobbies
Pressing pause on the booze may open your eyes to other ways to pass the time. You never know, you may discover that you love playing tennis, or have a special talent for sketching! Whatever it is, take this time off alcohol to rediscover your passions and maybe you’ll realise that there are healthier alternatives to alcohol that are just as useful in helping you unwind.
Amarè Health hope you had a relaxing Christmas and wish you all the best for the new year!
If starting a new job in healthcare is on your new year’s resolution list then give us a call on 0203 929 4017.